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Raspberry canes

Regular price $10.00
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Raspberries are some of the most forgiving and most generous fruits to grow. My patch started with a dozen plants I transplanted from a community garden in 2011, which has grown exponentially since then with minimal inputs, and countless pounds of berries to harvest.

These are summer bearing raspberries which fruit most of July. They are delicious - my family and I enjoy them fresh, we freeze them for smoothies, make jam, syrup, and more. And we share lots with friends and neighbours. 

Each plant I sell will produce several canes from the same root system. They grow on a biennial cycle - canes grow vegetatively one year, and produce fruit the next year, always in a continually-replenishing cycle, with some canes fruiting and some canes growing in each year. And of course, these will spread, expanding your patch as much as you want. 

Regarding the last picture, of raspberries on a grocery store shelf. Even on sale they're priced at more than $10/lb! Raspberries are often the most expensive fruit per pound in a grocery store. This contrasts dramatically with how easy it is to grow them. I hope you can make space  for some in your life!