Patten Greening apple
Patten Greening is an old apple cultivar, discovered and cherished by farmers in the US midwest seeking high quality cold hardy apples. It is a vigorous, productive tree that produces reliable annual crops. Fruits are ripe late in the season and store well.
Patten Greening fruits have slightly yellow flesh, and are juicy with a slight tartness, considered an excellent pie and sauce apple.
Discovered as a seedling of Oldenburg, a hardy Russian apple, by farmers in the Midwest seeking apples that could withstand their harsh winters. First planted by C. G. Patten in 1869, and first offered for sale in 1885.
Thought by some to be extinct! The parent of my Patten Greening trees are in an heirloom apple orchard near Alma, Ontario.
Image 1: Small Farmer’s Journal, Promising New Fruits.
Image 2: U.S. Department of Agriculture Pomological Watercolor Collection.